Advancement Foundation

Welcome / Bienvenido

The Advancement Foundation is a separate 501(c)(3) Texas non-profit corporation, organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes. As a separate corporation, it is an integrated auxiliary supporting the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, charged with receiving contributions intended to benefit supported activities and managing and distributing such contributions for the benefit of those supported activities.


Annual Diocesan Appeal

As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. The Annual Diocesan Appeal provides an important way for us to put Stewardship in Action. It is an invitation to meet the needs of parishes, schools and outreach ministries across the 28 counties of the Diocese of Fort Worth.

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102.5% Towards Goal
$3,792,381 Paid
Days to Go
9,146 Families Participating

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Parish Grants

Bishop Michael Olson and others share how the Annual Diocesan Appeal makes a difference for so many in the diocesan family.

Vocation Story

The ADA funds help provide for tuition, books, and other expenses incurred in the education of men for the priesthood in the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Ways to Give

This informational video goes over ways to give and how you can support the mission of the Church in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas. We appreciate your generous support.