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Everything we have is a gift from God. Stewardship is returning to God what is already His by giving of our time in prayer, service to others, and giving generously of our resources, by knowing, living, and sharing our faith, by promoting vocations for the abundant harvest, and by helping preserve our earth for our generation and the next.

Parish Stewardship - Prayer, Service, Generosity

My Catholic Giving Guide

A Resource to Discern Your Giving Level

The My Catholic Giving Guide is a tool to help you give from your “first fruits”, not from your leftovers, and plan your giving on an annual basis.

My Catholic Giving Guide
Mi Guía Católico de Donaciones
How to Implement Catholic Giving Guide

Stewardship is nothing less than a complete lifestyle, a total accountability and responsibility before God.

John Westerhoff III



Rachel Martinez, CFRE
Director of Annual Giving and Grants

Renée Underwood, CFRE
Chief Development Officer of the Advancement Foundation

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