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Catholic Schools

Tuition Assistance Fund

The Tuition Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to families in need ensuring that children seeking an education in the Catholic tradition will be assured the opportunity.

Thank you to the Advancement Foundation for the contribution in the amount of $13,000 to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Our Catholic identity is woven into the very fabric of who and what we are and your contribution supports our mission to empower Holy Family Catholic School students to become joyful disciples, lifelong learners and compassionate leaders.

Mrs. Ann M. Walters, MPS, Principal

How can you help a child succeed?

The formation of our youth is the primary focus of our Diocesan Catholic Schools. Only Catholic Schools develop the young student’s mind, body and soul.

A child doing homework. For over 100 years, Catholic education in North Texas has focused on preparing young people with quality academics, challenging physical activities and formation in faith. It’s been proven over and over again that students graduating from Catholic schools are better prepared for their next level of education and better prepared for life. Studies show they succeed more readily than students who have not had a rigorous college prep education.

Our schools form the future of our Church. Sustaining the long tradition of excellence in our 19 elementary and high schools remains the highest priority in the Diocese of Fort Worth. With this function as our priority, it’s interesting that there are 45,196 Catholic students in public schools receiving Catholic formation on Sundays. We know some of them would prefer to glean their religious education in a Catholic school setting but cannot afford tuition. Tuition is an obstacle for some families and the 2016 results of the FACTS independent assessment of about half of those families indicated the tuition need in our Diocese is about six million dollars.

The Tuition Assistance Fund was established in 2006 to increase available financial aid for families who demonstrate financial need. The goal is to offer affordable Catholic school education to as many families as wish to send their children to a Catholic school. We need you!

Support the Tuition Assistance Fund and you can help young people succeed.

Donate Now

Financial Aid by the Numbers

  • The number of verified/calculated students seeking aid has increased from/less than 200 to 1,163.
  • The number of grants awarded has increased from less than 300 to 755.
  • The average range awarded has increased from $300-$500 to $500-$1,500.
  • The total amount awarded has increased from $109,000 to $667,400.
  • The total amount needed to fund the needs of all verified students is $6,294,000.

Thanks to Tuition Assistance Fund Donors, hundreds of families have benefited from financial aid. However, with about $6 million in unfunded need, expanded numbers of donors and gifts are still necessary.



Renée Underwood
Chief Operating Officer of the Advancement Foundation

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