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Parish Operating Grants

Parish Operating Grants

Thanks to the generosity of the donors to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, the Advancement Foundation provides generous operating grants to small, rural parishes or those struggling to meet their operating expenses. This year, 22 parish communities in the Diocese of Fort Worth are receiving operating grants totaling $585,525.

2024-25 Parish Grant Recipients

On behalf of the parishioners, I acknowledge with profound gratitude the grant for $57,000 for St. Mary, Graham, and St. Theresa Olney for Youth and Family Ministry. At this difficult time, we believe this will greatly help us in sustaining the programs to accompany the youth and families in both parishes.

Rev. Eugene Nyong, Pastor

Read about the impact of these operating grants in the North Texas Catholic!

Application Information

Father Bose Jujuvarapu, HGN
Father Bose Jujuvarapu, HGN, high fives the son of Michael Lane after Mass at Sacred Heart Parish in Seymour. (NTC/Juan Guajardo)

Completed grant application forms and support documentation may be submitted via email or postal mail and must be received no later than 5 p.m. April 15. Applications are reviewed by the Grants Committee of the Advancement Foundation and forwarded to its Board of Directors for final approval. All applicants will be notified by letter prior to June 30. Grants will be disbursed in twelve (12) equal payments beginning July 1.

Parish Operating Grant Application (FY2025)


Please remember these criteria as you prepare your application:

  • The applicant parish must be small, rural or requiring outside support in order to meet its operating budget.
  • Only ONE APPLICATION may be submitted per parish or cluster of parishes.
  • Grants are only awarded for operating expenses, such as salaries and benefits, utilities, supplies and program expenses. Applications for capital expenditures, such as equipment, liturgical vestments, hymnals, construction, repairs or renovations will not be considered.
  • If grant purpose benefits several parishes, such as salaries and benefits for shared employees, please submit ONE APPLICATION for the entire cluster of parishes. Indicate the names/cities of all parishes sharing in the application.
  • If applying for several purposes, please submit ONE APPLICATION specifying all purposes of the grant in priority order and the amount requested for each.
  • The parish shall be on track to meet its Annual Diocesan Appeal goal for FY24.
  • If the parish has an outstanding loan to the Diocese of Fort Worth, payments must be current.
  • The parish must be current in its accounts payable.
  • A FY24 statement of financial condition, a FY24 YTD statement of activities and the proposed FY25 budget must accompany the grant application.
  • Budgets and/or cost estimates for the purposes outlined in the grant must accompany the application.
  • The grant application form must be completed in its entirety, including all signatures.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.



Renée Underwood, CFRE
Chief Development Officer of the Advancement Foundation

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